How long does it take to complete the full Qāʿidah?

Based on our internal data and feedback from external institutes, the Complete Qāʿidah is generally completed within 14 - 24 months.

We understand there are challenges to swiftly move on to Juz Amma, in such cases we would suggest using some of the techniques below:

1 - After a student has mastered any given level, even after completing just one page, if the teacher feels comfortable in doing so, they may let the student move on to the next level without completing all the extra exercises and still see great results inshaAllah. 

2- Utilise our Abridge Qai'dah which has the same approach as the Complete Qaidah but with fewer examples whilst ensuring strict feedback is given on each line of Sabaq.

3 - Ensure students are giving their Sabaq as frequently as possible. Practicing at home before attending the madrasah may be required to achieve this. You can use our free online lessons to assist with this.

The Complete Qāʿidah may look bigger and bulkier than others but our approach and focus is to invest in quality over quantity. Focusing on quality, especially in the foundational books is imperative as it has a greater and longer lasting impact on students.

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