Why are all the Kalimāt scattered in different places and within different duas?
The Kalimāt fundamentally have three aims:
- To prove one is a Muslim
- To understand the foundations of one’s faith and creed
- To memorise and make a habit of reciting them, for they hold great virtue.
Our students at Safar Academy try to achieve these aims by memorising the words from the duas and surahs books along with their virtues. They then study the meanings in depth in their Arabic and Islamic Studies lessons. Placing all the Kalimāt in one section doesn't always help in achieving these aims.
We have not listed all the Kalimāt in one place; rather, students learn them at different stages of the curriculum. This is because we chose to mention the duas which are easier and more practical for daily use according to the age range of the students. Another methodology we have adopted in our dua books is that we try our best to mention the exact wording of duas that are in reliable narrations. All the Kalimāt have not been mentioned in specific ahadith in full, they have been created by taking different portions of various ahadith. This doesn't make them wrong or incorrect, it's just against the methodology we have adopted in our books. We have included the Kalimāt within the duas and ahadith they have been derived from without taking portions out of the hadith to create them, just as we have tried our best to do so with the rest of the duas in our books.
The exact names of the Kalimāt, their wordings and their number (4, 5 or 6) differ from region to region. Below is a list of the most common Kalimāt and were you can find them in our duas and surahs books. They are also noted in the books after the virtue of the dua:
1. Kalimah Ṭayyibah: We have simply called this “Kalimah” (no. 1).
2. Kalimah Shahādah: We have called this “The Shahādah” (no. 20).
The 1st and 2nd Kalimāt are declarations of faith.
3. Kalimah Tamjīd: This is part of the duʿāʾ said when waking up in the middle of the night (no. 107).
4. Kalimah Tawḥīḍ: This is similar to the duʿāʾ said in the marketplace (no. 184).
The 3rd and 4th Kalimāt are a collection of many smaller virtuous adhkār, often recited to glorify Allāh
5. Īmān-e-Mufaṣṣal: With small and insignificant changes to the wording, this has been subsumed under the comprehensive “Three aspects of Dīn” (no. 98).