Can I get access to the books in PDF or electronic format?

We want to assist you with virtual learning as much as possible, however we do not have any PDFs or electronic books at the moment and do not plan to create any in the near future. If teaching online, we would advise both teacher and the students have hard copies of the books to use during the online lesson. 

Check our our digital learning platform here.

This may be better than PDFs and electronic books Inshā'Allāha!

Here are some other digital resources which may assist you with virtual learning/teaching endeavours insha'Allah:

General Resources

1. Teachers Toolbox - This gives you access to hundreds of student activities, presentations, bedtime stories (audio clips which can be downloaded) and assessments created by teachers for teachers all over the world! You can download extra worksheets from here and send them to your students to complete at home.

2. Essential Duas and Surahs App - Includes 150+ Duas and Surahs taken from both our Duas and Surahs books. An effective and innovative tool used to learn duas and surahs precisely with the correct pronunciations. 

3. Annual Exam Papers - Written by Safar Academies lead examiner

4. Teachers Training -  Includes over 15 units and 10+ hours of content! Here you can find detailed intros on all parts of the syllabus from which you can gain a good understanding of all the features within our books.

Learn to Read Resources

Read and follow the recitation with these clear and concise demos on Youtube (Over 100 Videos Available for FREE):

1. Complete Qaidah

2. Tajwid

3. Juz Amma

Abridged Qaidah Guide - A teacher who uses our Abridged Qaidah has created this wonderful guide where he completes the Abridged Qaidah with tips so students can follow and pause the videos where needed.

Student Stream

Join Shaykh Hasan Ali and Ustadh Hashim on a series of lessons for primary and secondary school students. 

Primary Years

Secondary Years

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