Isn't having internet use for children dangerous?

In today's digital age, the internet has become an integral part of our lives, including our children's education and social interactions. While it's important to acknowledge the potential risks associated with internet use, completely restricting children from accessing the internet may not be a practical solution. 

Here's why:

Social Interaction and Validation: Denying children access to the internet may lead them to seek validation and social interaction from their peers, which could potentially expose them to unmonitored online environments. It's crucial to strike a balance between allowing internet use and teaching responsible online behavior.

Access to Quality Education: For many families, especially those with limited access to quality educational institutions, the internet serves as a valuable resource for learning. Online platforms, like Journey2Jannah, provide educational materials and opportunities that may not be available locally.

Moderation is Key: Parents should actively monitor and guide their children's online activities, teaching them about internet safety and responsible behavior.

Complementary Learning: While Journey2Jannah offers online learning resources, children also receive workbooks that provide offline learning opportunities. These workbooks are designed to supplement the online lessons, ensuring a balanced and comprehensive learning experience.

Resources for Parents: We recognise the importance of internet safety and provide resources and guidance for parents to educate themselves and their children about online safety. We recommend accessing government-approved internet safety websites for additional information and support.

It's essential to understand that every family's situation is unique, and parenting approaches may vary. While we strive to provide a safe and enriching online learning environment, we encourage parents to actively engage with their children's online activities and promote responsible internet use.

Remember, moderation and guidance are key to harnessing the educational benefits of the internet while mitigating potential risks.

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