Implementation: Do we need the books for Journey2Jannah?

We highly advise using the books while using Journey2Jannah to supplement the learning. Using Journey2Jannah allows students to take information through different mediums (video, activities and reading) which will help reinforce the knowledge

Each lesson on Journey2Jannah is based upon the lesson in the book and looks to covers the key elements. There have been a few smaller editorial changes implemented in Journey2Jannah which will feed back into the books in future editions.

Journey2Jannah is not intended to substitute the books or a teacher. Teachers play a crucial role in imparting heartfelt lessons in a way that machines cannot replicate. Where possible, we always advise having a teacher with the Safar books and using Journey2Jannah to supplement and reinforce learning.

However, if it's not feasible to attend Islamic classes, Journey2Jannah can be used independently to aid your child's learning and practice of lessons at home.

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