Features: How to get Badges

Tip: This is an article to show you how to get badges with the child account on the parent access. Please see this video for further support.

1. Navigate to https://my.journey2jannah.com/#

2. On the dashboard, you can view the achievements/badges if you scroll down. Click "View All"

3. This shows you all the badges available for you to unlock. You can see the badges you've attained when you click "Completed"

4. This shows you all the badges completed.

5. I will now complete a lesson to unlock the badge 'First Step'.

6. Once I've completed all the questions and finished the lesson. It will lead to the badge.

7. You need to ensure all the lesson is complete with all questions answered.

8. Once you've done it, it will unlock the badge.

9. If you have any questions then you can email us: [email protected]

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