Implementation: My child is 7-years-old, which textbook should they start with?

For a 7-year-old child, we recommend starting with our Textbook 1. This textbook is specifically designed to introduce young learners to foundational Islamic concepts in a clear and engaging manner. It covers essential topics such as Aqīdah, Fiqh, History, Sīrah, and Personal Development, providing a well-rounded introduction to Islamic studies.

Textbook 1 is ideal for beginners and is tailored to the learning needs of children around the age of 7. It presents information in a simplified and accessible format, making it easy for young learners to grasp and retain key concepts. Additionally, the content is presented in a visually appealing way, with illustrations and interactive elements to capture the interest of young minds.

As your child progresses and gains a deeper understanding of Islamic studies, they can advance to higher levels of our curriculum. Each level builds upon the knowledge gained in the previous levels, allowing children to develop a comprehensive understanding of Islam as they grow and learn.

Overall, starting with Textbook 1 provides a solid foundation for your child's Islamic education journey and sets the stage for further learning and growth in the years to come.

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