How to Complete a Full Lesson

Tip: This article shows you how to complete a full lesson on your Journey2Jannah. You can watch this video for help too. It is a continuation of the article which describes how to navigate through a part of a lesson.

1. Navigate to

2. You need to complete all the parts on the lesson including the videos and activities.

3. Click the play button or 'Start' to go through each part of the lesson.

4. If you click on the arrow button to see the progress on your lesson.

5. You can see the first two parts of the lesson complete.

6. You must complete the summary to do the quiz. Once you have done this part of the lesson, click on 'Let's Go!'

7. It will give you coins for the learning you have done and then click "Continue"

8. Click "START QUIZ"

9. Complete the questions.

10. Click "NEXT" after each question.

11. At the end, it will give you your score. If you've got more than 80% then you will pass but if it is less then it will ask you to 'Retry'. Click "CONTINUE TO COURSE" to continue.

12. On the course path, it will show that you have completed that lesson.

13. If you click back on it, it will show "4/4 LESSONS COMPLETED"

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