How to place an order?

All orders must be placed via our online store. Alternatively you can purchase our books from any of Retail stores/stockists that sell our books (we would advise you to check their websites or contact them to check prices and stock availability).

If you have any issues when placing an order online, you can contact us on [email protected] / +447415 220785 and we will be happy to help. We are open on weekdays from 10am - 4pm (GMT).

How to place an order online:

Select your items - hover over ‘BUY THE BOOKS’ on the main menu at the top of the page and select which product category you wish to view. Alternatively you can click on ‘BUY THE BOOKS’  to view all our books on one page.
Click the ‘ADD TO BASKET’ icon or click on the product image for more info.


Adjust Quantities - You can view your basket by clicking on the shopping basket icon at the top right of your screen. You can adjust item quantities using the +/- toggle buttons or by manually typing in the desired quantity. Click the ‘UPDATE BASKET’ button to save your changes.

Delivery costs are automatically calculated for UK customers. Non-UK customers can calculate delivery costs by selecting ‘CHANGE ADDRESS’.


Review your basket - When you are ready to complete your order, please review your items and quantities in your basket and click ‘PROCEED TO CHECKOUT’. Please note: as soon as an order is paid, it is directly sent to our fulfilment centre for dispatch. Orders can very rarely be amended after this stage due to the swift processing procedures they have in place.


Complete your details - If you are a returning customer, please log in by clicking on the "LOGIN" button at the top of the page and your previous details will automatically be filled in. If you do not have an account with us, simply fill in the details at checkout and an account will automatically be created for you. Your password will be sent to you via email and can be changed to after logging in. For more info on how to change your password, please click here.


Make your payment - You can pay for your order via Bank Transfer or Credit/Debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express).

Note: Orders will only be processed after payments have been received in full.

Please see below GIF for more details on how to place an order:

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